Strawberry Jam 15 - The Villagor

Post date: Aug 06, 2017 1:4:42 PM

A short CTM combat based map for the second weekend 72 hour challenge.

The Villagor

You are on the set of 'The Villagor', where one lucky Iron Golem will find true love with the Villager of its dreams, but only if you can defend the contestants from the bloodthirsty zombies!

Objectives: 3 Wool Blocks + 1 auto placed if enough Villagers survive - arena style with waves of mobs

Difficulty: Easy

Players: 1+

Minecraft Version: 1.12

Download Link: World save below. Original host location is here


(Updated to fix Wool #2 and packaging style - thanks Teewie for thorough testing!)


You are on the set of 'The Villagor', where one lucky Iron Golem will find true love with the Villager of its dreams, but only if you can defend the contestants from the bloodthirsty zombies!

Tested by Teewie
