Post date: Feb 11, 2016 11:14:33 PM

Recently @Cubehamster has been dropping around to work on some interesting projects.

(1) We launched an expedition around New Year 2016 to explore the massive Mandelbrot world I created using a custom Minecraft Chunk Generator. The place is huge and, in fairness, we probably need a few more people on the voyage to do discover all it has to offer.

(2) I have been playing around with the ultimate power in the universe for @JetSpice's Star Wars project, and it came at a convenient time for @Cubehamster to assemble into a working diorama of the Death Star assault. Kotaku wrote a short article on the project. Take a look at the slime-block-starfighter in its natural habitat here:

If you are after something large scale that may be a fun project, feel free to shout out. Who knows, I may just have some voxel art that does the job!
